Thursday, July 06, 2006

Phantasmagorially Exotic

Bounty chocolate has long been a part of my life, but then most chocolates have :)

What makes Bounty really different, is that once your teeth crack apart the the thick delicious smooth milk chocolate, your nose is greeted with a new aroma. Coconut.

Fans say that it's a taste of paradise, just like the ad on TV.

From the days of just one Bounty bar, huge steps have been made in the coconutty world. Recent additions include Bounty biscuits – plain biscuits with a layer of coconut, topped with milk chocolate, and boxes of Bounty Calapuno chocolates – bite sized domes of coconut covered in crispy wafer and then encased in milk chocolate with extra flakes of coconut on top...
They have Bounty cake bars (Galaxy cake bars are HEAVENLY!) and both tubs and bars of Bounty ice cream. Plus they have Bounty Easter Eggs...
And sad to say, I haven't tried any of them because they're only available in Europe!

The original bars do still exist though. Blue wrappers mean milk chocolate, and burgundy, dark. You can get them in various sizes, from mini, very mini to treat size, fun size and normal. Assuming you’re in a normal supermarket or news agents, and not at a rip-offs-r-us (aka all station / airport shops and most vending machines) a normal bar shouldn’t cost you more than a dollar 50 cents.

So what do they taste like? In a word, mmmmm. The coconut center is always just right – smooth and soft but not too sticky – and the chocolate, although thin on the ground, is lovely and creamy. It very rarely melts on your hands, so if you’re a delicate nibbler rather than a muncher, you can take your time. Plus, the filling is so well made that even when exposed after taking a bite, it doesn’t spill out messily. The fact that the normal bars contain two pieces means that it's meant to be shared, although I have to admit that this has rarely happened to me. They smell appetizing but not sickly sweet, and the little ridges on the top are like little waves, waiting to be surfed ...


Anonymous said...

Love Bounty, Love Life

MTR said...

you forgot to mention the 350+ calories...

but still, well worth it.

Humairah Irfan said...

Thanks for spoiling it by mentioning calories Tariq!
This chart shows that Bounty is a better option that most: