Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thank You

I'm always touched by the little (and big) things that strangers do for me because of their own kindness.
Like the girl in Kensington market from whom I'd buy my fruits and vegetables.
And the colleague who lent me his book.
And the lady who drove 15 minutes to show us where the horseriding ranch was when we were lost (and she drove off without giving me a chance to say thank you).
And the man who offered to get me a gallon of gas when I noticed my empty tank after the meeting (today).
And the driver of the water truck who stopped and got under my car in the desert heat to use his jack and other tools to get it off the stone (which someone put there to mark there underground tandoor!).
And the people whom I stop and ask for directions and they help me.
And the gentlemen who make way for me in hallways or public transport, and help me with my luggage at airports.
And the ladies who share their experiences with me because they want me to watch out for myselves...
There are so many of them! Most whose paths may never cross mine again.

Thank You. You're amazing!


Amien said...

The irony of it all is that when you are helping others you are actually helping your ownself. In fact, when you do a good deed it's actually that you - more than anyone else - need that good deed. I can think of three Qur'anic verses in this connection:

من عمل صالحاً فلنفسه

(Whosoever does good it's for his own self)

إن أحسنتم أحسنتم لأنفسكم

(If you do good, you are (only) doing good for your own selves)

The one is Surah al-Qasas is less clear, but is nevertheless there. Prophet Musa ('alayhi as-salam) was fleeing the persecution of Fir'awn and his chiefs, and during his flight he helped two damsels in distress by watering their camels for them amidst a huge crowd of sheperds. Thereafter, he retreated to a place of shade ...

فَسَقَى لَهُمَا ثُمَّ تَوَلَّى إِلَى الظِّلِّ فَقَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

[Then Musa watered their animals for them both, then turned back towards the shade, and said, 'O my Lord', I am in need of that good which You may send down for me.']

Some exegetes interpret the "good" in the Surah al-Qasas verse to be food. However it may, whatever good came to Prophet Musa, came to him after he had people in distress.

Remember that Allah does not need our good deeds. So if He does not need it, then who does?

By helping others you are actually securing your own future in the Hereafter. People should be competing with one another to help each other, and not to get help from each other.

Have you noticed how good you feel after a good deed. Look at the following Qur'anic verse:

ولا تستوي الحسنة ولا السيئة ادفع بالتي هي أحسن فإذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كأنه ولي حميم

[The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better , then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.]

The truth of the matter is that the people who helped you should thank you for being there to be helped, for in doing so they were only helping themselves. In other words, they need that help more than you.

Humairah Irfan said...

Jazakallah khair- I cannot begin to imagine the implications of this if everyone thanked the person for whom they were doing the favour. Everyone would be so much nicer!
There should be a Movement towards this..