Sunday, November 05, 2006

At the hospital

I had the feeling all day something was going to go wrong, and it did. I was supposed to take the bus, and then the subway home after the meeting. But as soon as evening fell, my thoughts began to make me feel nauseous and I started feeling fluctuations in my blood pressure levels. Everything seemed blurry. I couldn’t remember what I said, or whom I met. I just wanted to go home. And…I fainted in the subway. I don’t recall what happened, except that I was clutching my laptop for dear life. My eyes were closed, but I could hear sounds…
Just like the previous two times I had fainted. People were trying to lift me… some were shouting for the ambulance… some wondered if I was dead…. That seemed like a lot of people for that time of the night… It was close to 11pm.
I was very awake by the time I reached emergency. After a few hours, the doctors and nurses had a lot of questions. Of course it’s stress, what else can it be? I’ve a perfectly normal lifestyle, and I eat alright. I had found out that your gums swell up and bleed when you brush if you’re very stressed out, so why not a drop in your blood pressure cause the same thing? The reason was good enough for me to be discharged a few hours later.


Anonymous said...

wow the exact same thing happened to my cuz this summer. Do u know her? lol

MT said...

when did this happen? or is it just a story?

Humairah Irfan said...

I wont comment :)

Anonymous said...

you okay? ^o)


Anonymous said...

Hrah, I approve the post ;)

Hafsa said...

maaann...i remember this one...

drove rhan and i nuts!