Monday, November 06, 2006

What is 1325?

1325 brought a lot of expectations and hopes for women around the the world, regardless of the fact that most were, and still are unaware of this resolution.
This was the first time in history that the United Nations addressed the role and experience of women in armed conflict.
so, what is it really?
A watershed political framework that makes gender perspectives and women relevant to negotiating peace agreements, planning humanitarian and peacekeeping operations, and rebuilding war-torn communities. It makes the pursuit of gender equality relevant to every single Security Council action, ranging from elections to disarmament efforts. The resolution is a broad blueprint, calling for change in how the international community approaches peace and security issues. By adopting SCR1325, the UN commits to including references to women and a gender perspective in all Security Resolutions, UN mission mandates and reports.
Read the entire resolution here.

As Sir Emyr Jones Parry, President of the Security Council said on OCtober 28, 2005:
"If we want to do justice to peace, we must do justice to resolution 1325"

I'm quite pressed for time, so more later...

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